Tuesday, July 23, 2019

6 months and counting

We finally have an update.

Natalie had her CT scan done today. As a reminder a few of Natalie's doctors were concerned that the front of her scull was closing faster than the back.  This would result in multiple surgeries.  Her doctor read the results and said that her scull and brain were growing normally and there was no need to look any further into surgery.  That alone was a great relief.  I'm thankful to say Lyle was able to take off of work and be there to celebrate with Natalie and me.

Secondly, we have made it 3 months without using Natalie's g-tube!  We met with a pediatric surgery nurse today to discuss having it taken out.  We came so close to having it taken out today but were not able to convince the nurse completely.  However, we have agreed to wait a few more weeks to prove Natalie truly does not need the tube any more.  Hopefully, come January 12th, 4 weeks from today, we will see her g-tube removed.  It was a great blessing having Lyle there for the conversation with the nurse today. We were able to tag team and really bring to light what life at home for Natalie looks like.

This coming Monday we have an appointment with Natalie's neurologist.  We will be getting results back from her last lab.  If it comes back positive there is a strong possibility that Natalie could take a medication that would allow her to catch up with her piers within 2 years.Assuming that comes back negative, we will work on a plan of where to go next.  Do we give up?  Do we take a brake from testing? Are there any new tests?  Do we start over? etc...

Thank you again for all of your prayers!

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